Asilo Primavera focuses on providing shelter, housing, food, and education for more than 100 abandoned, impoverished, or parentless children, ages 6-18.
Ciudad de los Ninos, a foster home, provides a safe haven for 150 abused and abandoned children.
El Pozo de Vida fights human trafficking and modern-day slavery. OSF provides the computer center in El Pozo De Vida.
Selva Negra is civil association focused on the preservation of species, conservation of the environment and environmental education, that participates in projects that also seek the development of the community.
Kamami is an orphanage in Guadalajara, Mexico for approximately 20 orphans and/or survivors of abuse. This program is being run in partnership with The Selva Negra Foundation of the band Mana.
OSF is dedicated to helping orphans, victims of abuse, survivors of trafficking, indigenous children, at-risk youth, and refugees break their cycles of abuse and poverty through technology-based education, job training and job placement assistance. We commit to every program for life.
Join the movement and, together, we can create positive change.